Thursday, November 3, 2011

D-Day Minus Four

Today Christi and I went down to TGH (Toronto General Hospital for those of you fortunate enough to not have entered the world of hospital acronyms) for my pre-op.

Most of it was pretty mundane. Here's the proof:
  • They X-Rayed my chest.
  • They drew my blood.
  • They performed an EKG (acronym!)
  • They swabbed me for superbugs.
  • They checked my current medications and supplements.
  • They took my blood pressure and temperature (pulse is still under 60 bpm.)
  • They gave me a more detailed rundown of the procedure and the timing.
The closer I get to the operation the more I think: "But I feel fine!" But as I stated a few days ago, I won't be pulling a "Steve Jobs."

I'm getting this thing out of me.


  1. It's funny, a few weeks back I was on my motorcycle having one of my alone in the helmet meditations. I was thinking, the problem that I have these days with a lack of motivation and ambition could be rooted in the idea that at 45 I don't have the heroes, role models and icons I used to as a younger man. At some point my concept of what these things are just changed.

    You Kevin Watson, with what your going through and your willingness to embrace life have become my hero, my role model, my icon.

    Please accept all my best for your time under the knife, Monday.

    XO Love to your lovely Wife and kids.


  2. I unwillingly entered the world of scary hospital acronyms several times with my dad, Kevin. But your take on the whole thing is pretty fuck*ing remarkable, I gotta say. The "magnificent coyote" from your last post was pretty awesome. Made me predict your coming back better than before!
